Reveal the sex of your baby with colour powder
When you’re having a baby there’s a lot to be excited about. Gender Reveals are becoming an increasingly popular way to announce to everyone if the baby is a boy or girl.
Get creative with blue or pink (or other) coloured powder, some of our favourite ideas are:
Colour Powder Poppers shoot a cloud of colour powder into the air for everyone to see – instant and dramatic!
Colour powder fight between the two parents
Guests throw the colour powder on the parents whilst their eyes are covered/closed. At the end of a countdown, the parents simultaneously open their eyes to see their partner covered in the colour representing the gender.
Black balloon filled with helium, coloured powder and confetti/glitter. Pop the balloon over the heads of the parents for a cloud of colour.
Colour powder balloon ‘dart-board’. Only one balloon has the blue/pink powder (other balloons have other colours), all the guests have a turn at throwing darts at the balloons.
Colour powder ‘smoke’ from a motorbike, car, 4WD or truck exhaust pipe (at your own risk).
For more ideas check out our Ideas Centre, I Facebook or Instagram pages.
Most importantly have a photographer ready to capture every moment!
Turn up the fun on kids parties with coloured powder
Coloured powders are an easy way to make a celebration extravagant and memorable. What’s more they can be used for parties of all occasions.
It’s becoming common for birthday party organisers to integrate the powders into traditional party games.
Some fun examples:
Play musical statues and throw the powders on the most enthusiastic dancers
Set up an obstacle course and throw powders at the children as balance, crawl, jump to complete it
Colour fight for a set period of time. The child with the least amount of powder on them at the end is the winner
Set up to play “duck, duck, goose” give the child who is in a handful of powder, instead of tapping the child when calling “goose” the child throws the powder on the child’s back
Decorate the party area with streamers and balloons. Ask the children to wear white and consider supplying the guests with a cheap pair of sunglasses – these could be part of the party bags.
Previous customers have raved about how coloured powders were used at their teenager and young adult parties.
Some cool examples are:
Give each guest a blown up balloon with colour powder inside. Challenge them to pop the balloons just using their bodies
An unstructured colour powder fight followed by a water fight
Dance party with a simultaneous colour throw to music
Instagram photo contest, give each small group of friends a few packets of coloured powder and 10mins to go take an imaginative and creative instagram-worthy photo of themselves with the powder
Combine these ideas with fun costumes and the freedom to express themselves. The smiles and laughter are unforgettable.
For more ideas check out our Ideas Centre, I Facebook or Instagram pages.
Most importantly have a photographer ready to capture every moment!
Whatever you are doing with colour powder we can help you get started